Info: Severn Trent Big Difference Scheme
With rises in the cost of living, it can be a real struggle to look after your money and afford all your bills.
Is your household income below £18,278?
If yes, then Big Difference Scheme can offer a reduction of water bills up to 90%.
We’ll assess your household income, and let you know how big a reduction you could get. Households with child dependants may be eligible for an additional income allowance in excess of this amount.
If your application is successful, you’ll get a new payment plan, designed especially for you, which will include payments towards any debt on your account.
All you’ll need to do is provide evidence of your household income which could include:
- Payslips from within the last 3 months
- Benefit award letters from the Department for Work and Pensions
Financial Hardship Fund - The Severn Trent Trust Fund
The Severn Trent Trust Fund was set up in 1997. It’s an independent charity that we donate money to every year.
The Trust Fund is a registered charity that provides help to customers who are unable to pay their bill.
The fund can help with:
- water and sewerage charges if you are in hardship and unable to pay
- charges which collected other companies on behalf of Severn Trent
other essential bills, household needs or priority debts
Eligibility for the Financial Hardship Fund
To get help from the fund, you must:
- have valid Severn Trent account number
- be in debt on your account, with no way to pay it back
- have experienced exceptional circumstances that stop you paying your bill
Applying for the Financial Hardship Fund
You can apply for Financial Hardship Fund (Severn Trent Trust Fund) online, or call 0121 355 7766 and they’ll post a paper form to you.
When you apply, you’ll need to provide evidence of your household income.
You’ll also need to explain the circumstances that are preventing you from being able to pay.
Documents you can use as evidence include:
- payslips
- benefits award letters
- bank statements
The Severn Trent Trust Fund are unable to return the documents, so please only include copies.