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Newcastle-under-Lyme Warm Spaces Grants

Voluntary, community and charity organisations in Newcastle-under-Lyme can apply for a grant to set up warm spaces this winter.

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council/Staffordshire County Council have launched a warm spaces fund to support organisations to provide a warm refuge for residents and their families struggling to heat their homes, in each of the County Council divisions in the Borough.

Organisations can apply for up to £500 for new warm spaces (or £250 to enhance the existing warm space offering), towards the cost of opening up community venues or to extend their opening hours during the colder months. Monies can be spent on equipment, marketing support, providing warm meals such as soup or oatcakes, providing hot food to residents, providing activities or toward volunteer costs.

To qualify for a grant, organisations must pledge to offer a heated space during the winter months for a minimum of two hours per week, provide seating, offer refreshments such as a warm drink and a biscuit, ideally be free of charge to local residents, and be in a position to open their Warm Space to residents by the end of January 2023, actively promote their activities to communities through the Councils network of partners, collate and submit take up figures by the end of March 2023 for evaluation purposes.

Organisations should be able to provide an up-to-date bank statement, meet the Council’s insurance requirements, and have a safeguarding policy in place. (If you do not have a policy and would like support to put once in place, please contact Support Staffordshire’s Locality Officer, Jamie Wells: [email protected])

Should the fund be oversubscribed, the level of funding for each project may be reduced on a pro-rata basis.

If you would like to apply for a warm spaces grant please complete the application here: