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Temple Street Methodist Church & Community Centre


Temple Street Methodist Church & Community Centre is situated in Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 4NW. We have a team of more than 40 volunteers drawn from the church and from the community, and the day to day running is in the hands of a Church & Community Leadership Team.

The premises have been extensively refurbished over the last five years, are all on one level, and are easily accessible by a ramp or steps. There is an accessible washroom on the premises and a car park adjacent to the building.

In the last 8 years the Church has worked extensively with the homeless under the Safe Harbour banner, providing food, toiletries, clothing, and sleeping bags.

The Church operates a very busy parent/guardian toddler group called Temple Tots for pre-school children, and young people are also able to come to an activities group run by the excellent team at SPLAT during half term, and Brownies meet weekly for girls aged 7 to 10.

The premises are regularly used by a number of organisations including North Staffs Carers, Alcoholics Anonymous, Kaytelles Troupe Dancers, Starlettes Troupe Dancers, and Knights Taokwan-do, and a wide range of activities take place.

Temple Street are open as a Welcoming Space every Tuesday serving a low cost 2 course hot meal between 12:00pm and 1:30pm, and a Needlecraft & Natter group which runs from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. 

Every Tuesday evening: Modern Line Dancing with Bradley takes place between 7:15pm and 8:45pm.

Temple Street are open as a Welcoming Space on Thursdays between 9:30am-12:00pm, offering

  • Free hot drinks and snacks
  • Free food event in partnership with Tesco and FareShare
  • Digital Drop In in partnership with Saltbox Money Matters offering computer advice and benefit signposting;
  • Community Lounge with a Locality Connector providing advice to anyone in the local community on a range of issues from housing, employment opportunities, advice on travel and transport, and much, much more. 
  • Chatty Cafe Tables where you can meet people and chat.